
Medication Errors in Florida

Medication errors injure a number of people in Florida and across the United States each year. In the most serious cases, medication errors can lead to death. If you or someone close to you has been harmed by a medication error, it is important to reach out to a skilled Miami medical malpractice attorney who can assess the merits of your case.

Last year, a Johns Hopkins study revealed that medical malpractice was the third-leading cause of death in the United States. The second-most common type of medical malpractice involved medication errors, including dispensing medication incorrectly, mismanaging medication, and improperly prescribing medication. According to a report by the Institute of Medicine, at least 1.5 million people across the United States suffer harm from medication mistakes each year.

When a patient goes to a medical professional for care, that patient trusts that he or she will be treated with a certain level of care. When a medical professional makes a medication error, it can be grounds for medical malpractice. A medical malpractice claim is a civil claim that is designed to hold negligent medical professionals accountable for the harm that they cause. This type of claim is appropriate when a medical professional fails to adhere to the acceptable standard of care. In Florida, the acceptable standard of care is defined as “the level of care, skill and treatment which is recognized as acceptable and appropriate by reasonably prudent, similar health care providers under similar circumstances.” Put another way, the medical professional’s conduct must be consistent with what a competent medical professional in the same specialty would have done under the same or similar circumstances.

Under Florida law, certain procedural requirements must be met in order to file a medical malpractice claim. The first step involves an “investigation” to determine if there is a reasonable basis to believe that malpractice caused the plaintiff’s injuries. The plaintiff is also required to notify possible defendants of his or her intention to sue prior to bringing the matter to a Florida state court. This notice must be provided to defendants within two years of the alleged malpractice.

The wrong medication not only fails to treat a patient’s health problem, but also it can actually make the health issue worse. In some cases, the wrong medication can create entirely new health problems for the patient that can be costly and burdensome to treat. As a result, Florida law allows victims of medical malpractice to recover damages, such as medical expenses, lost income and benefits, pain and suffering, and any other losses stemming from the medical professional’s negligence.

When we are injured or ill, we turn to medical professionals to treat our condition responsibly. Unfortunately, medication errors harm a number of patients each year. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a medication error, our seasoned Miami medical malpractice attorneys are here to help. At the Law Offices of Robert Dixon, we are committed to helping you smoothly navigate the legal journey. To discuss your case in more detail, do not hesitate to call us at 1-877-499-HURT (4878) or reach out to us online today.

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